Dec 22, 2005

catching up.

Woke up this morning feeling like I had been hit with the Polar Express. Not like in a happy holiday sense either, like in the caught in the cow-push front end of the thing and dragged for a mile and half till I finally fell off and rolled to a stop in a deep dark ditch. Paints quite a picture for you, right?

I guess it all just finally caught up with me, the whirlwind of packing and moving and unpacking and having the viral cough of the century all simultaneously. Rob suggested I just take it easy today and I couldn't even disagree with him, despite my insanely long to-do list and the impending holiday. I putzed around the house this morning, doing dishes and cleaning the kitchen, vacuuming and giving baths. We set up the tree after lunch, and it was fun because Rob was home for an hour to help. It looks beautiful. Then Sarah went down for her afternoon nap and Rob encouraged me to do the same. I slept for almost two hours. I feel a lot better now. I'm going to post a few pictures of my house now. Please don't last at the craziness of the paint jobs - that's a later task - not until I kick this cough.

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