Dec 4, 2005

I'm exhausted.

The past few days have completely worn me out. The back story is that I have been struggling with a sinus infection for over a month now. I had been on an anitbiotic and it was helping but Brea played with the bottle half way through lost it. I found it a few days later but it was too late to resume. Of course, I was feeling better, but then slipped back from too little sleep and too much stress. :) So then I got *really* sick and now am on a super heavy duty antibiotic that makes me ill, seriously, I have a headache for four days now and it makes my stomach upset. I can't sleep at night either - I'm tired but I keep waking up, so I feel like I'm spinning my wheels. Then add on tons of packing and last minute visits with friends and I'm just ready to die. I've laid down in the afternoon for 45 minutes every day for the past three days, just to try and keep up. I just hope I can get it together before we move, I don't want to move like this. Anyway, just pray for me because I have a lot to do, it's crazy.

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