Jan 16, 2006

9 years ago today.

Changed my life forever. Seriously, nine years ago to the hour I met a guy named Rob Thoreson. Little did I know we would get married and make babies and sign up for a lifetime of ministry together. It's so amazing to me how I fell so head over heels for him, so fast. 3 weeks after we met I told him I loved him. He told me (on our honeymoon) that he knew on our first date! I still remember the butterflies that filled my stomach when I thought about him, the skip my heart would take when the phone would ring, hoping it might be him, the hours and hours and hours of soul-stimulating conversation we shared. I remember the mystery of the unknown, learning each new bit of information about him and savoring it until I'd memorized every detail. I remember the way he looked, the way he smelled, the casual way he'd interact with me. I remember his intensity when we grew closer, his laugh at my jokes and my all time favorite Rob line (even now after nine years) - we'd known each other about a month and mid-conversation he suddenly said "That's it. I'm all out of material. I've got nothing else funny to tell you." I busted up laughing! We still laugh about that conversation. Years later, we still laugh every day, at each other, with each other. I cannot believe that I truly love him infinitely more today than I did back then, just starting out. I am such a blessed woman.

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