Jan 18, 2006

Redeeming Love

Just finished an amazing book by Francine Rivers, called Redeeming Love. Seriously, this book is maybe 500 pages and I picked it up about four days ago and finished it tonight. It's the re-telling of the story of Hosea and Gomer from the Bible. Not for the faint of heart, I warn you. I was so impressed by so many things in the book, but especially the power of the marriage bed and our society's eagerness to abandon it. I also have spent quite a bit of time thinking about the way I judge people, just by my actions and attitudes. This is a very powerful book and I highly recommend it. The story line follows a young girl sold into prostitution at age eight and her life there after, until a godly man seeks her out and rescues her from the brothels. She is so scared by the life he offers her, she returns to the bordello because it is the only way she knows, yet he loves her enough to rescue her again. Powerful story, I'll be turning it over in my mind for days to come.

Reading the postlude - turns out Francine Rivers used to write romance novels and then had a conversion experience and now writes christian fiction. I'm going to have to see what else she's written (post-conversion, I do not open my mind to non-christian romance novels, I am blessed in my marriage bed and would never do anything to steal from that sacredness). I can't help but feel badly for Francine, having written smut before, now converted, but her smut still circulates, there's nothing she can do about it. I'm sure that's a cross she bears daily. Makes me want to pray for her for peace.

I love to read, always have, but it's hard to find time with two pre-schoolers still at home. I have been forcing myself to take it easy this week, only because this house renovation was taking it out of me and I feel my sinus infection sneaking back in. It's nice to be lazy and curl up with a great book once in a while.


LC Masterpiece said...

ok you crack me up because when I talked to you yesterday afternoon you still had like 300 pages left... silly girl

antho said...

It's just the way I am, you, of all people, know this! I'm weird, but you embrace my weirdness and in turn enable me. Thanks! Plus, it was an amazing book and my kids went to bed at 7:15 last night, so I had some time on my hands!