Jan 22, 2006

why do I constantly give more than I have?

Do you know what I mean? I feel like I'm constantly giving away pieces of me that I don't have to spare. And what's worse, the list of people giving back anything of significance is smaller all the time. Some days I just feel really taken advantage of. Not even that, taking advantage implies that the user knows what they are doing, I don't think it's even that. I think people just think it's easier if I do it because I do it all the time and it's working so why fix it? Does that make sense?

Sometimes I just want to be selfish. I want to lock the door and say that's it, I'm all out and don't ask me again!! Or even better, I want to be pampered, to be waited on, to be thought of first, rather than last or not at all. I want someone to ask me how I feel about things, what I would like for dinner, if I would like some time to myself.

Wow. Really having a pity party tonight. Sorry folks. Show's over, go home.

1 comment:

LC Masterpiece said...

sounds like you had a bad day.. sorry. On a side note I wanted to tell you to be sure and check out Jenni Bowlins blog... she has info up about her monthly kit... looks cool and comes with the HKS journaling spots. Might be tempted. :)