Jan 17, 2006

a small bomb just went off in my world.

My kids were diagnosed with asthma. Not quite officially, they want Eli to see a specialist and Brea is too young still, but they are pretty certain that's the case. Why didn't I see that coming? They both have always struggled with respitory things, since birth, but for some reason I thought they would outgrow it. Instead they are being labeled with chronic coughs and Eli was prescribed an inhaler - that's going to be fun to get him to take! Sarah also has an ear infection, which explains her unbelievable crankiness the past week or so.

I know that it's not the end of the world or anything, I'm just sad because I hoped our health problems had ended when we moved away from the creeping crud in the woods. Apparently not. Hopefully they'll at least be better here. I'm also sad because they are likely to always struggle with being sickly. Thankfully this diagnosis is coming JUST after we got our approval for our new insurance, if it had been any sooner they would have been slammed with a 'pre-existing condition' disclaimer and we would have been plum out of luck. I hate dealing with insurance and doctors and pharmacies. ergh.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Anna, Don't worry, they will be just fine. Just make sure that the Dr. writes a prescription for a spacer for Eli. It's this tube thingy that attaches to the end of the inhaler and then it is so much easier for them to use the inhaler. Jessica and I have had asthma all along and you just learn to deal, always have a spare inhaler around etc. I will be praying for a complete healing and believing God for it.
I miss and love you all, Karen