Jan 9, 2006

I'm still here.

In case you were wondering. I'm starting to worry I might lose my small but loyal fan base! :) It's been a very hectic weekend here, plus we've had computer issues, so blogging hasn't been at the top of my list. But it's funny how I think in blog entry format now. :) I'll be doing my hair or brushing my teeth and thinking about all the random things I want to say here.

Such as...

The new toy my hubby bought me!
I can't remember the last time I was excited about a tool that wasn't for scrapbooking. It's a Mouse by Black and Decker, a power sander with a fingertip attachment for hard to reach places. I have two dressers, a headboard and an entire kitchen full of cabinets that I will be testing this bad boy out on! I'm very excited.

We bought paint!!
$306.17 worth of it, actually. Including a lot of supplies (rollers and tarps and whatnot). We are officially starting the paint process, hopefully today. I spent all afternoon yesterday prepping the kids playroom, hours stripping the border and wiping down the walls. I'm hoping to start with the ceiling tonight.

We had a great visit with my cousin and her family.
But I guess I'm so scattered I forgot to take any pictures. Isn't that insane? I'm really off my game. My head is going in way too many directions at once.

And I realized yesterday that I am a pastor's wife.
Isn't that crazy? After all these years it's finally happened and I was so sick it barely occured to me. On Saturday my cousin was talking to me about it and it really hit me yesterday. It's crazy. I love it. I pray I always love it. But right now I just feel like I can't get anything done because we are always at church! Oh well, I need to slow down and enjoy the process.

Well, that's all the time I have right now. Hopefully, I can steal a few moments later. I have pictures to post of my new toy and two calendar pages I did Friday night.

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