Jan 24, 2006

Helga- my new wash maiden.

Funny, haven't had a lot of energy to get excited about the brand-pull-me-over-the-knee-spanking new washing machine in my basement, but when I went down to start the first load it literally took my breath away. I've never had a new washer, EVER in 9 years of household running. I've had some newer ones (like, not almond or mustard in color) but never something as stinking new as this. It came with little samples and stuff! It even smells new. I was thrilled to get that first load going, although I'll probably be un-thrilled by the end of the day, I think I have 9 loads to do after a week without. I'm just thankful we made it and no one is wearing stinky clothes!

I named her, a good strong german name. (I'm german, so I can do that!) I'm going to respect her and hope she lasts a good long time. I'm excited because she's got a whole lot more capacity than her predecessor - so less loads for me. Ooh, and the other crazy thing is she matches the dryer - it's crazy! I feel so grown up! :)


justem said...

Hehe, I once did a blog about my new dishwasher :) I'm pretty sure we have the same (or very similar) washer and dryer...they work great! Just don't leave a pen in the dryer like we did at our house!!

Wendy said...

I was totally cracking up over your post! I LOVE how you named your washing machine, especially a German name. It reminds me of my friend's mom who is German, she is always complaining about having to do the laundry for the family. It's hysterical!

Michelle W. said...

how exciting! I want a new washer. I'm wondering what German name you given her... lol


Jana said...

Funny how things like this make up happy! I was soo excited when I got my washer and dryer cause that meant no more laundry matt!!

Anonymous said...

Wow who would have imagined a blog about Helga would elicit so many responses on your blog! =) See...you do get traffic...we're all just voyeristic and look and don't say anything!! haha =)


Unknown said...

She's a beaut!!! May she wash every stain out like a pro!!!