Jan 10, 2006

it's so annoying!

Wow. Living with a five year old. I know I'm a little premature in saying that, Eli doesn't turn five for another two weeks, but he's already driving me nuts. His current favorite ways to annoy me include banging his umbrella into plastic packaging (as loudly as possible), screaming "OWWW" when his sister so much as looks at him funny, and singing (anything at all - the more annoying the better) off key and at the top of his lungs. It's like living in a looney bin. I'm just so thankful for two floors, a little seperation is never a bad thing.

I think he finds joy in annoying me. I really do. Yesterday he was screaming/singing at the top of his lungs the same line from some retarded song over and over and over. It was all I could do not to march into the room and tell him to shut up. I had a realization though, that he was trying to get a rise out of me. And suddenly I flashed back to being a child, inventing ways to annoy my parents, siblings, babysitters and even the people at church. I made annoying a personal hobby. I would invent noises. I would fake farts. I would sing. I would click my tongue. I would kick the back of the car seat or pew in front of me. My sister and I would sit right in front of the choir at church and purposefully yawn to get them all to yawn. I got the 'quiet' talk at camp more times than I would ever want to admit to anyone. I accidently discovered that my sister couldn't stand it when I spoke in a southern accent and from then on used it all the time (for about six months). "MOM - SHE'S DOING IT AGAIN!" I can still hear her screaming.

After all that hard thinking, I remembered some of Rob's stories. Yelling "Squeaky Shoes" at his cousin when he was supposed to be in bed for the night. And others.

So here's my big revelation. Rob and I so deserve this. We totally have it coming. Our children will be the most annoying little people to ever walk the face of the earth. So I had better get used to it, because I made my bed and now it's time for a nap!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anna, TOOOOOOOO FUNNY!!! I can't stop laughing at you!!!! (ok, with you) Poor Eli, the poor kid just doesn't stand a chance, does he??? I can so see you yawning at the choir, tooooooo funny!!! I'm laughing so hard I have to go pee!!!